Chia's Layer Zero

Forget Layer 2, this is Layer Zero, as in dollars. 🥔POTATO is Chia's first stablecoin that is actively pegged to $0.

We're a Dedicated Team

Good ideas take time to bake. We'll get around to things when we can. Keep your eyes on us.

Inclusive of All Potatoes

From the small fry to the big tuber, anyone can be a potato head. We even embrace the taters.


What Potato Heads are saying!

Guaranteed to stay worthless. Not financial advice. Not even culinary advice.


Solana uberawesome Solanum tuberosum

Proof of Spice and Thyme

An all-new and all-natural consensus mechanism that is more secure and more nutritious than Proof of Steak. Your steak can't get slashed here.

The Purrfect Asset Token

Felinologists and potatologists agree, cats are not potatoes but 🥔POTATO is a CAT. And three decimal places is plenty to represent 0.000.

Fungible & Edible

They're delicious anyway you slice it. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew. Plus it's not a shitcoin, until digested.


High in starch and copium. Low in value. Enough carbs and memes to keep you hibernating through the bear market.

Probably Not A Security

According to both the Skin & Eyes Commission and the Crispy Fried Tater Committee, potatoes are a commodity. 🥔POTATO is probably one too since the only expectation is it remains worthless.

Globally Apeeling

Zero is universal. Potato heads around the world and even underground tubers know 🥔POTATO is the next big thing.

🥔POTATO Launcher

Stationary plants don't need a roadmap

But you will be able to read all about our half baked plans in the 🥔POTATO Brownpaper. Make sure you're reading the right one by validating the hashbrown.

SHA256 Hashbrown: 68B81228995532B42B08C91004BF6E0264738BB66816B238731AA8EFB0ACF362

Spud Cannon Powered Launch

Active Pegging to Zero

Secure the POTATO Sack Airdrop Technology

1 🥔 = 2 🥔 = 3 🥔 = 4

Because 🥔 = $0


Keeping it

Strategic Reserve

In case of 🥔POTATO depeg, the strategic reserve can be leveraged to damp it back to $0.

Spud Cannon Launch

Fair airdrop distribution to the Chia community.


The fries meets DeFi.
But don't overpay, đŸ¥”POTATO is worth $0.